Course & Academic Resources
- HST.590 Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series - Fall 2024 Schedule
- Come learn about Earth Sciences with EAPS!
- 30-Minute Productivity Workshops for a Better Semester at MIT
- Certificate Program in Aerospace Innovation
- Some Fall Graduate Courses to Consider
- HARVARD ENG-SCI 223: Neurophysiology and Neural Interfaces
- GradEL Courses
- Graduate Seminars in Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
- 18.418/HST.504: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology
- MIT Bootcamps on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Fall 2024 Research Experience in Biopharma 7.930/20.930/CSB.930
- MIT Community Wellness Classes and Resources
- MIT Writing and Communication Center (WCC)
- Upcoming Events from the Teaching + Learning Lab (TLL)
- Harvard Catalyst Courses and Events
- Harvard Innovation Labs Calendar of Events and Activities
Student Opportunities
- iHQ Paint Night
- Register to Vote Website
- MIT Sandbox Applications Open on September 3rd
- 2024-2025 Call for SERC Scholars
- MIT List Visual Arts Center Student Lending Art Program Exhibition and Lottery
- Harvard Biotech Club Leadership Team Opportunities
- Koch Institute Image Awards Competition Opens
- Toastmasters Clubs of MIT
- Graduate Community Fellows Positions
- MITAC Opportunities
- Office of Graduate Education - Fellowship Workshops & Financial Literacy Resources
- International Students Office Newsletter
- MIT GradDiversity & ICEO Newsletters
- MIT Spouses & Partners Connect and MIT Language Conversation Exchange
Professional Opportunities
- NIH Common Fund Request for Information
- Post Doctoral Fellow in Deep Learning for Microbiome Spatial Omics
- Postdoctoral Opportunity - Rakesh Jain Lab - MGH Steele Laboratories
- Postdoc Opportunity at Isha Jain Lab at UCSF/Gladstone - Working on Oxygen/Vitamin Metabolism
- Postdoctoral Scholar Opportunity - Virginia Commonwealth University - Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Pascall Systems Job Opening
- Research Intern Position - Paradigm BioCapital
- Training Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- IIE EU - U.S. Education Cooperation for Researchers
Career & Financial Guidance Programs
- Griffin GSAS Harvard Biotech Club Talk
- CAPD Fall Term Announcements and Updates
- CAPD Faculty Job Search Guide
- McKinsey and Company Recruiting News
- MIT Alumni Advisors Hub - Advising Opportunity for MIT Students
- Upcoming MIT Career Fairs
- Graduate Student Career Events
Website, Calendar & Mailing List - CAPD Versatile PhD Resource Tool
HST Community Notices
From MIT HST Director Collin Stultz on August 28, 2024 (on behalf of HMS HST Director Wolfram Goessling, as well):
We’re excited to announce that Henrike C. Besche, PhD, will be joining as our new Director of Education, Senior Lecturer, IMES. She will be stepping into the role from which Julie Greenberg retired in the spring. While we were sorry to see Julie go, we feel lucky that Henrike will be taking the reins to lead the HST educational programs based at MIT.
In this role, Henrike will be overseeing educational policies, curriculum development, and all aspects of academic affairs. She will be leading many other important aspects of the HST program, including advising and mentoring HST PhD students—and she will be working closely with HST and IMES leadership to steward the HST program, and the HST academic team at MIT, while driving educational initiatives.
Henrike is very familiar with HST, as she has served as a member of the HST faculty, and as a lecturer in cell biology, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School (HMS), since 2012. In addition, she has been the Director for Medical Education Quality Improvement, HMS, and was the Co-Director for HST Curriculum Innovation, in 2023. As part of the curriculum innovation project, she was the co-lead for the implementation effort, with a focus on basic science courses, including: collaborating with HST faculty across all preclinical courses on course design and innovation; developing metrics to measure impact of curricular innovation, and to inform continuous educational quality improvement; and coordinating innovation efforts with HST and HMS administrative staff.
In addition, Henrike developed a new concept for teaching basic sciences in the post-clerkship phase, which led to the creation of the Advanced Integrated Science Courses at HMS. She also co-directed the cell biology and biochemistry disciplines in the Foundations course, an integrated basic science course for Pathways first year medical students.
Henrike received her doctoral degree in biochemistry (the German equivalent to PhD) from Technical University Munich, Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Germany; and her diploma in biochemistry (German equivalent to master’s degree) from Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. A couple of the awards she has received include the Excellence in Classroom Instruction Award, Graduation Faculty Awards, class of 2022, and she was a nominee for the Donald O’Hara Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Preclerkship (in 2017, 2019).
Henrike will be starting Sept. 1, and she will be sitting in E25-518. There will be many opportunities in the coming weeks for you all to meet Henrike. I will add that we have worked closely with Henrike over the past few years in her capacity as Co-Director for HST Curriculum Innovation. She has been a joy to work with and we are very enthusiastic about continuing to work with her in her new role.
Please join us in welcoming her to IMES and HST!
Collin and Wolfram
Effective this month, any employee (includes RA/TA/IG) who will be working for MIT in India – including remote work, conferences, and research – will need to notify VPF at least 30 days in advance of travel by completing this pre-travel form.
More details about this new reporting process can be found at this website.
Are you traveling for any of the following reasons?
- Conference/workshop
- Giving a talk
- Visiting your alma mater
Can you help promote HST by talking to prospective students?
Contact Laurie Ward (laurie [at] (l)aurie [at] (aurie[at]mit[dot]edu)) for talking points and promotional materials to distribute.
A link to an HST Programs Slide to include in your presentations can be found here.
Course & Academic Resources
Fall 2024 Topic: Biomedical Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research
September 12
Semester Introduction
Julie Greenberg, HST MEMP PhD; senior lecturer, MIT
Introduction to Ethics
Jeff Behrens, HST SM, MBA, PhD; serial entrepreneur
September 26
Innovative and Inclusive Engineering Approaches to Address Gender and Racial Disparities in Biomedical Research and Leadership
Brief History of Sexism and Racism in Biomedical Research in the U.S.
Shaniel Bowen, PhD; Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT School of Engineering
October 10
Deconstructing the Drug Development Process and the Vagaries of Drug Pricing
What legislative approaches maintain incentives for pharmaceutical companies to innovate, while also keeping their products affordable and accessible to patients who need them?
Ken Kaitin, PhD; Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
October 17
The Pulse of Ethical Machine Learning in Healthcare
Marzyeh Ghassemi, PhD; Associate Professor, MIT
Case Study: Authorship
Julie Greenberg, HST MEMP PhD; senior lecturer, MIT
October 24
Ethics in Publication: Does Science Self Correct?
Ivan Oransky, MD; Retraction Watch
Case Study: Mt. Sinai Living Brain Project
Max Cotler, HST MEMP PhD; Chief Operating Officer, GelMEDIX, Inc.
November 7
Ethics and the Opioid Crisis
Andrew Kolodny, MD; Senior Scientist, Brandeis University
Ethical Challenges in Healthcare Ventures
Emily Lindemer, HST MEMP PhD; Executive Director of Data, Morgan Health
November 21
Conflicts of Interest and Influence in Medicine
Alex Rich, PhD and Paul Thacker, Investigative Journalist
Interested in Earth Sciences?
12.571: Seminar in Geophysics will be offered this term, Fall 2024!
EAPS recently merged the Geophysics and COG3 seminar series into the Earth Science seminar series, covering all of the G’s we know and love: geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and geobiology.
We have an exciting list of speakers lined up for this semester:
- Kasia Warburton (University of Cambridge) - Glacier physics, fluid dynamics
- Sarah Shackleton (WHOI) - Paleoclimate, glaciology, geochemistry, atmospheric gas/ice records
- Patrick Fulton (Cornell University) - Fault mechanics, geomechanics, hydrologic and thermal processes within fault zones
- Melodie French (Rice University) - Rock rheology, high pressure and temperature experiments
- Catherine Rychert (WHOI) - Marine seismology, structural seismology
- Mak Saito (WHOI) - Marine chemistry & geochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry
- Germán Prieto (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) - Observational seismology, earthquake source mechanics
- James Dottin (Brown University) - Geochemistry, planetary evolution, sulfur isotopes
12.571 will have you reading and discussing papers (suggested by the speakers) in advance of their visit, attending the seminar, and then privileged discussion time with the speaker over lunch. You’ll also learn how to critically read scientific papers and write effective reviews.
You can register for 12.571 as a 6-credit class or even just as a listener. Class times are M10-12, W10-11 (seminar), W12-1 (lunch discussion w/speaker).
Start the Semester Strong: Performance Coaching Workshops
Tuesdays 12:30-1 pm via Zoom
September 10, 17, 24
from Community Wellness at MIT Health
Direct Zoom Registration link for all 3.
Descriptions on the MIT Calendar:
· Nine Tips for a Better Semester at MIT – September 10
· Productivity and Efficiency Coaching – September 17
· Motivation and Focus Coaching – September 24
Nine Tips for a Better Semester at MIT
- Tuesday, September 10
- 12:30-1 pm
This workshop will introduce nine performance strategies and self-coaching techniques to help manage your time, energy, workload, and motivation throughout the semester.
Productivity and Efficiency Coaching
- Tuesday, September 17
- 12:30-1 pm
This coaching workshop will identify evidence-based strategies to maintain productivity and efficiency so you can make the most of your time this semester.
Motivation and Focus Coaching
- Tuesday, September 24
- 12:30-1 pm
This coaching workshop will help participants to learn how to tap into feelings of motivation and decrease distraction throughout the semester.
Registration for the Certificate in Aerospace Innovation is now open! This certificate program is offered by the MIT Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics in collaboration with the Martin Trust MIT Center for Entrepreneurship. Open to AeroAstro seniors, all graduate students (S.M./Ph.D.), postdocs and staff, the program takes place this Fall, IAP, and Spring semesters, and it is comprised of three elements:
- Classes: coursework in the aerospace-focused domain and in the entrepreneurship-focused domain offered by the Sloan School of Management. The certificate program is optional, but some associated classes and workshops may carry academic credit that may be counted to a degree program.
- Seminar Attendance: Aerospace Innovator’s Seminar Series will feature speakers from some of the biggest names in entrepreneurial aerospace — many of whom started from exactly where you here you are, as students in AeroAstro!
- Entrepreneur Workshop or Summer Program Participation: During the Independent Activities Period (IAP) in January, students will participate in (and register for) the Aerospace Innovation Workshop, where they will be expected to draft a business plan and pitch deck (a short 15 to 20-minute presentation) for a new aerospace-related startup. Working in teams, students will present their business plans identifying the underlying technical innovation and potential for business disruption to a panel of aerospace-related venture capitalists and entrepreneurs for feedback and scoring. A sponsored prize of $10K will be awarded to the top finisher.
Alternatively, students can satisfy the requirements for the certificate by participating in MIT Delta v, a hands-on MIT summer program in entrepreneurship and business acceleration.
Please feel free to contact aa-innovation [at] (aa-innovation[at]mit[dot]edu) with any questions! Registration closes on Friday, October 4 (on Add Date).
HST Graduate Courses (links to MIT course listing/schedule)
- HST.504 Topics in Computational Molecular Biology
- HST.507 Advanced Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution (course website)
- HST.518 Human Systems Engineering
- HST.525 Tumor Microenvironment and Immuno-Oncology: A Systems Biology Approach
- HST.535 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- HST.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis
- HST.590 Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series (Fall 2024 Topic: Biomedical Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research)
- HST.920 Principles and Practice of Drug Development (course website)
- HST.953 Clinical Data Learning, Visualization, and Deployments
- HST.S56 Special Topics: Mining microbiomes: fundamental insights from public data (course website)
Non-HST Graduate Courses
- 6.4822 Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems (meets with HST Undergraduate course HST.542)
- MAS.838J Prototyping our Sci-Fi Space Future: Designing & Deploying Projects for Zero Gravity Flights (website | application)
- EC.090 Re-create Experiments from History: Inform the Future from the Past
A complete list of HST courses can be found here:
All MIT Full Subject Listings here:
- Full Term - September 3, 2024 to December 4, 2024
- TR 11:15am - 12:30pm
Announcing a new course on Neural Interfaces and Neurophysiology:
Neurotechnology is currently a $35B market rapidly growing market with a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.5%. Existing and emerging neural prosthetics, designed upon the principles of neural interfacing, enable restoration of function for conditions like hearing loss, paralysis, chronic pain, and amputation. This course will lay a foundation in peripheral neurophysiology, introduce students to various diseases of the peripheral nervous system and dive deep into the working mechanisms and designs of devices for peripheral neural interfaces. These include spinal cord stimulators, neural-machine interfaces for motor prosthesis and exoskeletal control, and artificial visual/auditory devices for augmented sensory perception. Specifically, students will learn the a) electrical, mechanical, chemical, and biological design considerations for neural interfacing hardware, b) methods to process and analyze neural signals, and c) approaches to provide optogenetic, electrical, and vibratory neural stimulation. The course further examines neuroprosthetic sensory and motor control, functional electrical stimulation, sensory feedback strategies, surgical strategies for neuromuscular interfacing, biocompatibility challenges associated with neural implants. In addition to standard lectures, students will
engage in hands-on labs, design projects, a visit to the Spaulding Rehabilitation Center, and a debate on the ethics of neurotechnology to integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the class.
Any questions: Please reach out to: shriya_srinivasan [at] (shriya_srinivasan[at]fas[dot]harvard[dot]edu)
Dr. Srinivasan is an HST MEMP PhD graduate.
The Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program (GradEL) is here to help MIT graduate students develop skills across career paths, from leading research groups to leadership roles in large companies and startups. The program builds on students’ technical education by allowing them to practice developing highly-effective teams, identifying worthy problems to solve, creating innovative solutions, and crafting a shared vision.
We offer unique classes focused on experiential learning, monthly interactive workshops, and a Graduate Certificate in Technical Leadership. Many PhD candidates can also fulfill their doctoral minor through our program. In addition, we recently launched an intensive internship called the Engineering Residency with Apple and Northrop Grumman.
NEW 6.S650 Innovating for Improvement
6 units, Lecture: W 1-4p (room TBD)
Learn from real industry guests and hands-on experience how valuable engineering/technical contributions are made for existing products and processes. Pair statistical tools with business context and communication skills to provide credible recommendations with measurable impact. Each week will include discussion around an improvement methodology and an experiential learning challenge for teams to tackle while practicing the skills they've learned.
Monica Pheifer
Apply Now! You still need to register via the online registration system.
NEW 6.S660 Engineering Leadership Practicum
6 units, Lecture: TR 1-3p, E25-117
Experience a unique opportunity to act as members of and lead teams in a series of activities and case studies that simulate engineering leadership challenges. Develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills both within team dynamics and with external stakeholders. Each week will include discussion around a team dynamic, communication, or leadership skill, an experiential learning challenge for teams to tackle while practicing the skills they've learned, and dedicated time for teamwork and meetings.
Monica Pheifer
Apply Now! You still need to register via the online registration system.
We have open spots in two of our graduate seminars that may be of interest to you!
STS.461 History and Social Study of Computing
3-0-9 (G)
Tuesdays 10am-1pm (E51-393)
Examines the history and social study of computers. Introduces students to the core and canonical literature in this area while also providing the opportunity to read and discuss more recent works from multiple disciplines. Students will learn how history, politics, and geography have shaped the development of computer systems and how computer systems, in turn, have shaped social, economic, and political relationships.
STS.434 Postapocalyptic Science and Technology Studies
3-0-9 (G)
Thursdays 2-5pm (E51-390)
Examines how science fiction is deployed as a political tool for enacting change in the present and how it has emerged as a privileged symbolic field for the expression of hopes and anxieties that drive both culture and tech industries. Explores how societies around the globe — both mainstream and in the periphery — are confronting a triple crisis that threatens not only civil order but also the very existence of certain forms of life: financial collapse which increased the awareness of mass inequality; climate change and loss of biodiversity; and the rise of ethno-nationalisms, which threaten representative democracies.
Prof. Eli Nelson
In addition to student research presentations, this course will feature a seminar series with a fantastic lineup of speakers (see below). This year, we've focused on three broad themes when inviting speakers: (1) evolution and computational approaches to modeling/understanding it, (2) generative AI for biology/biomedicine and (3) algorithms for computational biology/genomics.
Please consider registering for the course, either graded or as a listener. Sessions will be hybrid, with in person and Zoom options. Additionally, sessions with invited speakers will have refreshments. Hope to see you there!
Speaker Schedule:
Note: all invited speaker talks are held Wednesdays from 11:30am - 1pm
9/11 - Roshan Rao (EvolutionaryScale)
9/18 - Ben Langmead (JHU)
9/25 - Ard Louis (Oxford)
10/2 - Smita Krishnaswamy (Yale)
10/9 - Sriram Sankararaman (UCLA)
10/16 - Kevin K. Yang (Microsoft Research)
10/23 - Bin Yu (UC Berkeley)
10/30 - Adam Phillippy (NIH)
11/6 - Ava Amini (Microsoft Research)
11/13 - Michael Desai (Harvard)
11/20 - Jesse Bloom (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center)
11/27 - Aleksandra Walczak (Ecole Normale Supérieure)
12/4 - Tristan Bepler (New York Structural Biology Center)
12/11 - David Van Valen (Caltech)
Course Details:
18.418[J]/HST.504[J] Topics in Computational Molecular Biology
G (Fall): MW 11:30am-1pm (room number and Zoom link TBA)
Instructor: Prof. Bonnie Berger - TA: Anna Sappington
Last year's seminar website: here
Feel free to contact asapp [at] (Anna Sappington), the TA for the course, with any questions.
MIT Bootcamps are immersive educational experiences focused on innovation and entrepreneurship. They are collaborating with the NIH/NIDA to put on a program focused on substance use disorder (SUD), called SUD Ventures.
There is an opportunity for students, and others, to be participants of the program. Additionally, there are a number of webinars coming up regarding this topic.
If you’d like to learn more, please contact MIT Bootcamps director Hanna Adeyema at hadeyema [at] (hadeyema[at]mit[dot]edu) to discuss potential collaborations.
Have you wondered how research works in the biotech & pharma industry? Try it out as a class, without taking time completely away from your thesis! Even if working in industry after graduation doesn’t interest you, the insights from this experience will provide valuable professional development for any career path.
Class is 10 hours a week on a mentored project + weekly hour of guest lectures on industry-relevant and professional development topics (Wednesdays 11a-12p)
- No industry experience necessary or expected
- Open to post-quals PhD students in all relevant programs--BE, Bio, BCS, Chem, ChemE, HST, CSB, DMSE, EECS, Micro, MechE, etc.
- Projects may include wet lab or computational work.
If you are interested, contact reb_instructors [at] (reb_instructors[at]mit[dot]edu) as soon as possible.
International students must be in a program with a requirement that allows you to use CPT.
MIT Health Community Wellness serves all members of the MIT community, regardless of insurance coverage.
Our programs and resources give you the health and wellness tools you need to thrive at MIT.
This year, the MIT community is adapting to new ways of taking care of ourselves and others. If you’d like to connect with your community, stay active, sleep better, relieve stress, and more, Community Wellness at MIT Medical can help you find wellness programs that fit your needs.
Wellness classes include:
- Active Gentle Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Mind-Body-Breath Yoga
- Qigong Meditation
- Roll+Recover
- Tai Chi
- Yoga For Every Body
- Noon Unwind
- 4:45 Unwind
- Mindfulness Mini-Course
- Sleep 101
- Breastfeeding Class
- Childbirth Preparation
- Infant Soothing Techniques
- Newborn Care
View all Community Wellness classes here.
The Writing and Communication Center offers free one-on-one professional advice from communication specialists with advanced degrees and publishing experience. The WCC can help you further develop your oral communication skills and learn about all types of academic and professional writing.
WCC Individual Consultations
During these consultations, you can work on your written or oral projects with WCC instructors who can guide you at all stages of your communication process.
WCC has prepared a series of workshops on style, literature review writing, and other topics. You can register for our offerings through this link.
For more information or to register for these programs, check the WCC website.
Our Mission
The Teaching + Learning Lab (TLL) partners with MIT educators, staff, and administrators to create a reflective educational environment where students are academically challenged, actively engaged, and personally supported.
Find information on upcoming TLL programs, speakers, workshops, etc. here.
For any questions about programs and resources available to graduate students through the TLL, contact Ben Hansberry, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Teaching (bhansber [at] (bhansber[at]mit[dot]edu))
Subscribe here to the TLL Newsletter.
Harvard Catalyst works with Harvard University’s schools and affiliate academic healthcare centers to build and grow an environment focused on team science – where discoveries are rapidly and efficiently translated to improve human health. We catalyze research across all clinical and translational domains by providing investigators with opportunities such as pilot funding, free resources such as biostatistics consultations, training and mentoring programs, and numerous courses. To facilitate communication, collaboration, and data collection, our informatics team develops a range of open-source tools available to the community within Harvard University and beyond.
Information on courses and training through Harvard Catalyst can be found here.
A calendar of Harvard Catalyst events can be found here.
Subscribe to the Harvard Catalyst Newsletter here.
Information about the Harvard i-lab and it's upcoming events and activities can be found here.
Conferences, Lectures & Seminars
Please join us for the first talk in our 2024-25 Speaker Series!
Rethinking Rigor: Challenging Students & Supporting Meaningful Learning
Dr. Kevin Gannon, University of Charlotte
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- 1 pm ET (ONLINE)
This talk will invite you to re-think our assumptions about how and why we challenge our students and encourage reflection on the most effective ways to promote genuine and powerful learning.
All are welcome! Please register via Zoom
About the Speaker
Dr. Kevin Gannon is Director of the Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence and Professor of History at Queens University of Charlotte in North Carolina. A longtime faculty member, program director, and department chair, he now directs a whole-career faculty development center and supports his colleagues in improving teaching and learning, producing scholarly and creative work, and developing as faculty and academic leaders. He is the author of Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto (2020).
We are excited to welcome Dr. Roshan Rao, co-founder of EvolutionaryScale and a lead author on the recent ESM3 paper, amongst many other related works, to present as part of the Fall 2024 MIT Bioinformatics Seminar.
Topic: Multimodal Protein Foundation Models
- Wednesday, September 11, 2024
- 11:30am to 1pm
- MIT 32-G575
Zoom Link:
Seminar Series Link:
How can multimodality improve representations of proteins? Foundation models have shown promise in building powerful representations for many domains. Language models are able to access a vast quantity of human knowledge and are able to perform limited reasoning over this body of knowledge. Protein models learn the evolutionary patterns in proteins, enabling prediction of protein structure and function. This talk will cover the development of protein foundation models, understanding the representations they build, and how they scale. Finally, it will cover incorporating modalities beyond protein sequences, and how additional data could be added to produce better representations in the future.
Hosted by Dr. Bonnie Berger
For more information please contact: Anna Sappington (asapp [at] (asapp[at]mit[dot]edu))
A calendar of upcoming events is available here.
The Medical Development Group Boston (MDG Boston) is a community of individuals professionally committed to the Medical Device and other Medical Technology Industry segments united by the belief that innovation and advances in technology lead to substantial improvements in health care.
MDG's Mission is to contribute to the continuing development of medical devices and other medical technologies by enhancing the professional development of its members, fostering and supporting entrepreneurial thinking, serving as a forum for exploration of new business opportunities, and promoting best practices in enterprise management.
MDG pursues this mission through the organization of educational programs and forums: the facilitation of cross-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration; the creation of venues for networking and information sharing for current and aspiring professionals, clinicians, and entrepreneurs; and the development of alliances with complementary organizations.
We would love for you to attend and spread the word in your community!
For more information on our upcoming events, visit our website.
Future topics will be similar to the previous Brainmap season, with some talks on Optogenetics, MR-PET, BOLD physiology, ultra-high field MRI, multimodal integration, contrast agents, and many more exciting topics! Unless otherwise noted, seminars (webinars) are held on Wednesdays at noon.
Find out about Brainmap here. Sign up here for our mailing list, in order to receive notices about our upcoming seminars.
Student Opportunities
Take part in iHQ Paint Night on Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm on the 7th floor of E38.
- Join us for a fun step by step lesson along with great music and a bit of trivia too
- Each painter will receive their own art supply kit to keep
- Refreshments will be served from 4-5pm.
If you are interested in attending (seats are limited), please be sure to RSVP online to reserve a spot.
MIT partners with TurboVote — a non-profit website that seeks to increase voter turnout by helping its users register to vote, find polling places, and research election issues — to help students, faculty, and staff register to vote in local, state, and national elections, by mail or in person, whether they reside in Massachusetts or another state.
It takes five minutes or less to register, and you can use it to request an absentee ballot and/or subscribe to reminders about registration and voting deadlines and locations in relevant elections.
Did you know MIT Sandbox provides funding and mentorship to MIT students interested in pursuing entrepreneurship? Join us for an information session where you will learn more about the program and how Sandbox provides up to $25K in seed funding, mentorship, and training to support your entrepreneurial journey!
· Open to all MIT undergraduate and graduate students from all schools
· Focused on student-driven entrepreneurship
· Supports students at all stages of the start-up process - from idea to launch
· Applications open on September 3rd – deadline September 12th.
Interested? Have questions and want to know more? Register for an info session
Info Session 2 – September 5th at 4pm
Visit Sandbox website:
Engage with the pressing challenges shaping our digital landscape, from combating deepfakes and misinformation to exploring ethical surveillance and privacy protection. Investigate the societal impact of gamification, address bias in large language models, and grapple with data ownership in the age of artificial intelligence.
As a SERC Scholar, you’ll have the opportunity to be at the forefront of technology’s evolution. Join our community to explore the frameworks of our connected world and advance the social and ethical considerations of computing.
If these topics intrigue you, consider applying to join the 2024-2025 cohort of the SERC (Social and Ethical Responsibilities in Computing) Scholars Program! Applications are now open.
Join a community of undergraduates, graduate students, PhD candidates, and faculty to help advance the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing cross-cutting initiative on Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing.
What do SERC Scholars do?
- Collaborate in multidisciplinary teams with members from across computing, data sciences, humanities, arts, and social sciences, led by a SERC postdoc.
- Develop and pilot new SERC course materials in collaboration with postdocs and faculty.
- Engage with external partners to advance AI in the public interest.
- Conduct research in a new, exciting cross-disciplinary area.
Who is eligible to apply?
This is a full year commitment with the possibility of a summer extension. This opportunity is open to students across the MIT community who are excited to advance our broad mission to incorporate humanities, social science, social responsibility, and policy/civic perspectives into MIT’s teaching, research, and implementation of computing. Being a SERC Scholars are hourly paid positionswith selective and limited yearly enrollment.
What additional activities will SERC Scholars participate in?
- Regular lunches and talks with the SERC Scholars community.
- Meet-and-greets with pioneering leaders from academia, industry, and the public sectors.
- SERC seminars that occur twice a semester.
SERC Scholars will have the opportunity to work on 1 of 7 projects, the 2024-25 projects include:
- Deepfakes: Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics
- Data ownership & AI
- Generative AI & democracy
- Gamification
- Surveillance
- Big Data
- How Fair are Generative Models?
For more detailed information on these projects, as well as the bios of the post docs who will be leading the groups, please see our website here.
Each project will meet weekly for approximately one hour. SERC Scholars are required to attend these meetings.
- This is an hourly paid position for 3–5 hours per week for the 2024–2025 academic year.
- Compensation is $15.75 per hour.
Graduate students and PhD candidates
- This an hourly paid position for 6–10 hours per week for the 2024–2025 academic year.
- Compensation is $25 per hour.
How to apply
- Fill out the SERC Scholar application and upload your resume and cover letter, which should be combined into one document.
- Provide a resume that includes relevant coursework and experience.
- Provide a cover letter that includes:
- Why you’re interested in this experience.
- What you hope you can gain.
- What you hope to contribute.
- Which activities and opportunities you’re most interested in engaging with.
- Rank project participation preference and explain in 100 words or less why you want to work in your preferred project(s).
Applications close on September 15, 2024, at 11:59pm
For more detailed information, visit the SERC Scholar’s Program site here
- August 27 - September 16, 2024
Featuring over 700 original works of art, the Student Lending Art Program is a beloved MIT tradition where students can borrow artwork from the collection for free.
The exhibition features original works of art, primarily prints and photographs, drawn from the List Center’s Student Lending Collection. This annual exhibition, is free and open to the general public as well as the MIT community.
Only enrolled undergraduate and graduate MIT students can enter the lottery for a chance to borrow artwork from the collection and must enter the lottery online before September 11.
Winners will be notified on September 14 and will be sent a link to schedule which day to come select an artwork in person. Students do not need to visit the gallery to enter the lottery, but winners will need to be present to select and take home the artwork between September 16-20.
Key Dates for Students
- Lottery opens Tuesday, August 27, 2024
- Students sign up closes Wednesday, September 11, 2024
- Students will be notified on Saturday, September 14, 2024
- Art distribution week: Monday, September 16–Friday, September 20, 2024
Student Lending Art Program
Since 1977, the Student Lending Art Program Exhibition and Lottery has provided MIT students the enviable opportunity to borrow, appreciate, and live with a museum quality work of original art for the academic year. Works from the collection are distributed through a lottery system. Remaining unclaimed works are available for students to take home on a first come, first serve basis, once the exhibition closes.
This program is free for all current MIT undergraduate and graduate students.
Student Lending Collection
The collection is comprised of the Catherine N. Stratton Collection of Graphic Arts, established in 1966, the List Student Loan Collection, established in 1977, and the Ronald A. Kurtz Student Lending Collection, established in 1985. Approximately a dozen or more new works are added to the collection annually to expand the breadth of its offerings.
Join the Harvard Biotech Club Leadership Team!
We're excited to announce open leadership positions in the Harvard Biotech Club for all current Harvard students and affiliates. This is a unique opportunity to be part of initiatives like the Career Fair, The Incubator, Explore, CONNECT, and the 101 Series. Join our Communications team to develop valuable skills and expand your network within the biotech industry. Don't miss out on this chance to contribute to HBC's impactful programs and enhance your professional growth.
Apply now and become a leader in the vibrant HBC community! Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
We currently have openings to join the HBC leadership team for the following initiatives:
1. Career Fair: The HBC Career Fair is an annual event that provides a platform for students and post-docs to connect with leading employers in the life sciences industry. This event offers unparalleled networking opportunities, allowing attendees to explore job openings, internships, and career paths. Companies from various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and consulting, participate to meet and recruit top talent from the academic community. More information can be found here.
2. The Incubator: The Incubator is an initiative that supports the development of entrepreneurial ventures in the biotech space. This program provides aspiring entrepreneurs with access to resources, mentorship, and a collaborative environment to nurture and grow their startups. Participants can benefit from workshops, networking events, and guidance from experienced industry professionals, making it a critical stepping stone for those looking to launch successful biotech companies. More information can be found here.
3. Explore: The Explore program is designed to introduce students and post-docs to the diverse career opportunities available in the biotech industry. Through speaker events, industry panels, and interactive sessions, participants gain insights into various roles such as medical science liaison, regulatory affairs, biotech investing, and more. This initiative aims to broaden the career perspectives of its members by providing firsthand knowledge from experts in the field. More information can be found here.
4. CONNECT: CONNECT is a mentor-matching program that pairs current HBC leadership members with HBC alumni who have established careers in the biotech industry. This initiative fosters one-on-one mentor-mentee relationships, providing mentees with personalized guidance, career advice, and networking opportunities. Throughout the year, CONNECT hosts networking and social events to strengthen these connections and support career development.
5. 101 Series: The 101 Series is an educational program that offers students and post-docs a comprehensive overview of different career paths in the life sciences. Each session focuses on a specific career, featuring discussions and insights from professionals in that field. The 2023-24 curriculum includes sessions on patent law, venture capital, investment banking, life sciences consulting, and careers in biotech public investing. This series is a valuable resource for those exploring various career options within the industry. More information can be found here.
6. Communications Team: Open positions are available in HBC’s Communications team, offering roles that involve marketing, content creation, and public relations. Being part of this team provides valuable skills and extensive networking opportunities, enhancing your career prospects in the biotech industry. Join us to gain experience and connect with industry leaders.
For more information, visit the Harvard Biotech Club website. If you have any questions, please contact us at harvardbiotechclub [at] (harvardbiotechclub[at]gmail[dot]com)
The 2025 Image Awards Competition is now OPEN.
Submissions should be sent along with accompanying information from(s) to kigalleries [at] (kigalleries[at]mit[dot]edu) - the deadline for submission is Friday, October 18th, 2024.
All MIT students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate, and each contributor may submit up to five high-resolution images taken as part of their original MIT research.
Winning images will appear in the 2025 Image Awards exhibition, opening in March 2025 with lightning talks given by the image creators.
Details are available at
Do you know anyone looking to improve communication skills: speaking and listening? Visit a Toastmasters Club. The members of Toastmasters Clubs of MIT are happy to help students practice.
"Toastmasters is a fantastic way to improve your presentation skills! I personally learned a great deal from the MIT club and highly recommend it." -- Gwen Acton, MIT PhD
Clubs are currently meeting online and in person!
Toastmasters @ MIT, Friday at 12 noon to 1 PM, via Zoom
Tuesday Evening Toastmasters, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Humor & Drama Toastmasters, 1st Saturday of the month 10 AM to noon
Grad students, interested in improving graduate life & community at MIT while earning a partial stipend? Apply to become a Graduate Community Fellow!
When would I start? Start dates are flexible and based on the Fellow and the hiring organization. If you’re looking for a job starting this semester, over IAP, or next semester, these openings may be a great fit for you!
What would I do? Graduate Community Fellows work on projects and assignments that enhance the graduate community at MIT in targeted, impactful ways. Each Fellow reports to a staff member in the OGE or a partner organization. See specifics below.
What are the requirements? Must meet minimal eligibility requirements and agree to the terms of appointment. Appointment periods for Fellow positions vary. All positions serve 10 hours per week, and receive compensation of $700 per month.
International students with full-time RA/TA appointments should note that there are eligibility restrictions.
Available positions are listed at the current Fellow positions page.
Some current positions are listed below; find more info on each position at the current Fellow positions page.
How do I apply? Once you’ve reviewed position details, download the application to apply. Applications for all positions are reviewed on a rolling basis. We hope to hear from you!
Questions? Contact Jessica Landry, jlandry [at] (jlandry[at]mit[dot]edu).
Welcome! The MIT Activities Committee offers discounted tickets to the MIT community for local arts and culture, sporting events, and family activities.
Visit MITAC ~ Your Ticket to Fun for movies, museums, sports, theatre, music, family, seasonal & special events since 1984!
- Online Website:
- On campus: The MITAC Stata Center ticket office is open Tues-Fri 12-4pm.
Feel free to stop by and visit!
We look forward to seeing everyone!
Members of the MIT community: subscribe here (at the bottom of the page) to our mailing list/newsletter to receive the latest updates delivered right to your inbox!
Fellowship Newsletter
Our Fellowship Newsletter is a monthly/bimonthly occurrence that includes upcoming opportunities and events, tips on applying to fellowships, announcements, and generally an avenue for us to relay fellowship related information.
Interested in receiving the newsletter? Please sign up for our mailing list by clicking here. Future Graduate Fellowship Bulletins will be sent right to your email inbox.
Some financial literacy resources:
OGE website’s Financial Wellbeing section:
OGE website’s fellowships section: including Fellowships Tips:
Please reach out to the OGE at grad-ed [at] (grad-ed[at]mit[dot]edu) with questions about our workshops or our financial literacy resources.
If there are further questions about fellowships, the OGE Fellowship section can be found here, especially the Fellowships Tips content here.
Read current and past issues of the ISO Newsletter here. For non-students, you can also subscribe to receive published copies by email.
The Office of Graduate Education (OGE)’s GradDiversity seeks to support the success of underrepresented and under-served graduate students at MIT. This takes place through a series of programs designed to strengthen recruitment, enhance community, and ignite development in academic, leadership, and professional skills.
Together with the Institute Community and Equity Office and our faculty, students, and staff from across the Institute, we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and caring climate that intellectually engages and values all members of our MIT community.
Sign up for the GradDiversity Newsletter here.
Sign up for the ICEO Newsletter here.
We connect people across MIT for conversation, cultural exchange, and friendship.
MIT Spouses & Partners Connect - open to significant others of MIT students, postdocs, and staff
MIT students and employees may sponsor a guest Kerberos account for their spouse or partner to establish their digital identity in MIT's systems. Once registered, the spouse or partner may activate their digital MIT ID and obtain a physical card if needed.
Get started at Please read the instructions carefully as there are different processes for those who live in an MIT residence and for those who live off campus.
For more information about where you can use your MIT ID card, see this page.
The best way to stay up to date on all of our events and activities is to subscribe to our email newsletter!
Private Consult with MS&PC Staff
Facilitated by Program Manager, Jennifer Recklet Tassi, this private appointment via Zoom or in-person is a time to ask questions, voice concerns, and reimagine your life here in Boston. We can spend the time talking about whatever is on your mind - from job search and career development to navigating a new city to figuring out how to make your experience in Boston productive and meaningful.
Appointments will be available at various times during the week.
Book a 30-minute private Zoom or in-person appointment here:
- Subscribe to our email updates:
- Join the MITFamilies Slack Space:
- Join our private Facebook Group
- Follow us on Instagram @mspconnect
- Visit our events calendar at
MIT Language Conversation Exchange - open to all members of the MIT community
How to find a conversation partner at MIT so you can practice a language you are learning or want to improve with a native speaker.
Visit our website:
- Search and contact native speakers of languages you want to practice for one-on-one conversation held at your convenience
- Watch this video to learn how our website works
Join our Slack Space:
- Join or create channels for the languages you are interested in
- Practice your writing skills while meeting other people at MIT who share your language interests
Subscribe to our newsletter:
- Stay informed about upcoming small group meetings & events
Email us at lce [at] (lce[at]mit[dot]edu)
Follow us on Facebook @MITLCE
Professional Opportunities
NIH Common Fund is seeking your ideas on the intersection of imaging, multimodal data, AI, and healthcare!
The NIH Common Fund wants your ideas! The Common Fund recently issued a request for information to identify high priority challenges and opportunities in developing trustworthy, cost-effective, accessible, ethical, and sustainable precision medicine AI algorithms that integrate medical images with other patient-related data to support clinical decision making. Community input is requested on:
- Imaging and related multimodal data integration approaches,
- Developing AI-based clinical decision support tools that leverage clinical imaging and multimodal data integration,
- Demonstrating clinical utility of multimodal algorithms for precision medicine.
Learn more and submit your ideas here: Request for Information (RFI): Opportunities and Challenges in Enabling and Advancing Precision Medicine Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Integrating Clinical Imaging with Multimodal Data. Responses must be received by 5:00 pm (ET) on September 23, 2024.
The NIH invites broad input, including Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and imaging researchers, healthcare providers, patients, industry representatives, patient advocates, funders, regulators, and representatives of populations that experience health disparities to comment on individualized, image-centric patient care through advanced ML techniques and data integration. Please share this opportunity with your networks.
The Gerber Lab ( is a multidisciplinary group at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School that develops novel computational models and high-throughput experimental systems to understand the role of the microbiota in human diseases, and applies these findings to develop new diagnostic tests and therapies. A long-standing and continuing focus of the lab is on incorporating principled probabilistic models into machine learning methods. The director of the lab, Dr. Georg Gerber, MD, PhD, MPH, uses his unique expertise, combining deep learning method development, medical microbiology, and human pathology, to leverage cutting-edge technologies to tackle scientifically and clinically important problems.
We are looking for an exceptional researcher who will play a major role in new initiatives in the lab to develop novel deep learning (DL) approaches to further understanding of the spatial organization of the microbiome--the trillions of microbes living on and within us---and its interactions with mammalian cells. The successful candidate will be highly motivated and creative, taking a lead role in developing new deep learning-based methods, analyzing data, and interpreting results. Although experience analyzing data from biological systems is required, microbiome specific knowledge is not.
• PhD in Computer Science, Computational Biology, or other highly quantitative discipline.
• Outstanding publication track record.
• Strong mathematical background and skills.
• Experience developing DL methods.
• Experience analyzing data from biological systems, including sequencing data.
• Solid programming skills in Python, including PyTorch.
• Superior verbal and written communication skills, and ability to work on multidisciplinary teams.
Environment: the Gerber Lab is located in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Computational Pathology ( at Harvard Medical School (HMS). With a recent grant from the Massachusetts Life Science center, the Division has built the Lab for AI/Deep Learning for the Microbiome, which has a state-of-the-art GPU cluster for model development, training and deployment.
To apply: email a single PDF including cover letter, CV, brief research statement and a list of at least three references to Dr. Georg Gerber (ggerber [at] (ggerber[at]bwh[dot]harvard[dot]edu)).
The JAIN LAB IN THE STEELE LABORATORIES OF TUMOR BIOLOGY at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School invites applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions. Multiple positions are available in tumor microenvironment, vascular biology, matrix biology, immunology, molecular/cellular biology, metabolism, intravital microscopy and biomedical engineering. Ideal candidates should have a strong academic background, peer-reviewed publications, strong English language proficiency and writing skills. Candidates with a strong background in single-cell- sequencing, bioinformatics, Python, and R statistical computing are also encouraged to apply.
The Steele Labs have a diverse faculty and offer a lively and supportive environment in which to perform cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. Our research goals are (i) to understand how the abnormal tumor microenvironment confers resistance to various cancer treatments (e.g., molecular therapeutics, nanotherapeutics, radiation and immunotherapy), (ii) to develop and test new strategies to overcome this resistance, and (iii) to translate these strategies from bench to bedside through multi-disciplinary clinical trials. This tight integration between bench and bedside and application of engineering/physical science principles to oncology is a hallmark of our research.
Responsibilities: We seek creative thinkers who take risks in defining and addressing important problems, and who use quantitative molecular, genetic, cellular, and computational approaches in their work. Research fellows are encouraged to apply for post- doctoral fellowships and to write their own transition grants to launch their independent research careers following their training period. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience with additional funding for conferences and training seminars.
Requirements: A PhD or MD/PhD is required. To apply, please send your CV, a career statement, a summary of your most significant research accomplishments (300 words) and the contact information of three references to: Steele Labs Recruiting jobs [at] (jobs[at]steele[dot]mgh[dot]harvard[dot]edu).
The Jain Lab at UCSF/Gladstone is looking for motivated, hard-working and curious applicants. At a high level, we study how organisms interact with their environments – how “what we breathe” and “what we eat” affects our metabolism and disease progression. More specifically, we are focused on oxygen and vitamin/cofactor metabolism. We recently discovered that chronic hypoxia (equivalent to living in the mountains of Peru or Nepal) can serve as a therapy for mitochondrial disease. This approach is currently in clinical trials. This work has inspired a broader set of research directions ranging from fundamental biochemistry to animal physiology.
The questions we ask:
1. How do cells and organisms sense oxygen or vitamin levels? Are there novel oxygen sensors and vitamin sensors to be found?
2.How does the body adapt to variations in oxygen levels? Or vitamin levels?
3.When the supply and demand of oxygen or vitamins becomes mismatched, how does this contribute to disease?
4.Can we “turn the oxygen and vitamin dials” into creative new therapies?
5. What is the most practical form of turning these concepts into translatable therapies?
The approach we take: CRISPR screens, metabolomics, classical biochemistry/molecular biology, animal physiology and beyond.
Post-docs will be encouraged to lead independent projects resulting in high impact publications, present at conferences and prepare for long-term careers in academia or industry.
Please email Isha.Jain [at] (Isha[dot]Jain[at]gladstone[dot]ucsf[dot]edu) for more info or to apply. Isha is a graduate of the MEMP PhD program.
Virginia Commonwealth University's Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is expanding its research lab to encompass basic science, clinical research, translational science, and device development. Our lab is dedicated to investigating skin biology, skin conditions such as keloids and hypertrophic scars, burn physiology, and the regeneration of skin and soft tissues.
We are currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled postdoctoral scholar to join our dynamic team. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in supporting ongoing research initiatives in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. This position will primarily involve laboratory work geared towards advancing these goals, including the utilization of cellular models, sequencing patient and animal samples, and analyzing therapeutic compounds. Additionally, the role will entail conducting small and large animal experiments under appropriate guidance to further basic science and therapeutic developments, with the ultimate objective of translating bench research into clinical applications. Experience in biomedical engineering and/or medical device design is preferred.
For additional details and to submit an application please use this link:
Pascall Systems, a medical device startup by a group of MIT alumni is recruiting interns/part-time positions from PhD candidates with backgrounds in signal processing, machine learning, etc. interested in an industry research stint at an MIT/Harvard medical spin-off/startup.
If you are interested, please read details of the position here and reach out to the CEO directly who was an MIT BCS alum (Tuan Le Mau, PhD, t_lemau [at] (t_lemau[at]mit[dot]edu) or tuan [at] (tuan[at]pascallsystems[dot]com))
Research Intern, Paradigm BioCapital
Full-time, in-person; New York, NY
Paradigm BioCapital is a $2.2B AUM biotechnology-focused hedge fund based in New York, NY. We believe that the most appealing investments in biotechnology deliver transformative benefits to patients and redefine the treatment paradigm for physicians. Our investment strategy focuses on identifying such opportunities at the earliest proof of concept where the balance of reward and risk is most attractive.
Based in our NYC office, this internship is an intensive 10-12 week opportunity to learn and participate in a fast-paced and engaging investing environment. The intern will collaborate with the research team in evaluating potential investments through fundamental analysis of unmet medical need, clinical validation, and company outlook.
- MD (preferred), PhD in life sciences, or MBA candidate from a top-tier university
- If MBA, then undergraduate degree in biological sciences or post-graduate work in the biotechnology industry
- High integrity
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Passion for learning and humility in academic pursuits
- Detail-oriented with an eye for inconsistent findings
How to Apply
Please submit the following in PDF format to Vinayak Nikam at vinayak [at]
- Cover letter
- Discuss any previous experience with biomedical research or the biotechnology industry
- Highlight any therapeutic areas or technologies of interest.
- Describe an experience when you worked in a small team of 3-5 people.
- Resume
The National Institutes of Health’s Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education offers an extensive range of clinical research training opportunities to prepare the next generation of clinician-scientists. Brief descriptions of the programs are provided below. As world’s largest biomedical research agency, the NIH encourages future clinician-scientists and medical researchers to consider adding an NIH experience to their portfolio.
Graduate Medical Education
NIH currently sponsor 17 medical specialty or subspecialty programs which have been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). We also jointly sponsor clinical training programs with extramural training partners, to include Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, and the National Capital Consortium. In addition, we sponsor numerous "one of kind" translational medicine fellowship training programs.
Clinical Elective Programs
Short term—4 to 12 week—clinically oriented elective rotations for senior medical and dental students; unique mentored specialty/subspecialty clinical research rotations are also available for combined program students (i.e., MD/PhD, DO/PhD).
Postdoctoral Research Training Awards
Provides the opportunity for recent doctoral degree recipients to enhance their research skills in the resource-rich National Institutes of Health (NIH) environment, which consists of more than 1200 laboratories/research projects.
Graduate Partnerships Program
This program is designed to bring PhD graduate students to the NIH Intramural Research Program for dissertation research.
For information on EU – U.S. cooperation in doctoral and postdoctoral education opportunities for U.S. researchers and organizations. Visit IIE online at Please contact the programs directly for additional information or with any questions you may have.
A quote from a recent Fulbright U.S. student, "My advice to Fulbrighters of the future is that which was given to me. Go at it with an open mind; your experience will not be anything like you predicted and will mark you indelibly, but it will be great."
Career & Financial Guidance Programs
Biotech in Europe: Insights from Bayer’s Lead Scientists
Clara Lemos, Silvia Goldoni, and Sven Christian
Oncology Research Portfolio Lead, Senior Director Cancer Biology, and Director Oncology Drug Discovery at Bayer
Event Description
Join our Q&A panel with research leaders from Bayer as they share their experiences on pursuing a scientific career in Europe.
Bayer is a German multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, and a global leader in life sciences
Date & Time
- September 20, 2024
- 12pm (EST)
- In person at TMEC and on Zoom (details on RSVP)
RSVP Link:
Interested in staying up to date and being the first to hear about our events??
Sign up to our mailing list here
Get more information on the club here at our website
Follow us on social media!
Twitter: @thebiotechclub
Facebook: GSAS Harvard Biotech Club
Career Exploration Series
Share your career exploration events with us: The Career Exploration Series, is a collection of events organized by DLCIs that help students learn about career paths and graduate school options. You can read about the 2023-24 series outcomes in this article. To include your event in the series, share your event details using this form. Contact Tianna Ransom (transom [at] (transom[at]mit[dot]edu)), Assistant Director of Career Exploration with questions.
Tailored Workshops
Tailored workshops for the fall semester begin on September 23rd. Prior to September 23, CAPD is focused on programming available to support the entire community in welcoming new students to MIT, and in preparation for the Fall Career Fair. Submit a tailored request if you are looking for a CAPD Orientation during this time. See the CAPD events calendar for career fair and internship/job search prep events happening during September and encourage your students or student groups to attend these events. We also look forward to working with you on other career workshop topics after September 23rd.
CAPD has launched the Faculty Job Search Guide! This completes our online PhD career support program (Kerberos login required), which brings together industry and academic job search resources and examples for easy access. The whole set of resources, the Faculty Job Search Guide, the PhD Career Document Library, and our PhD Resumes for Industry Jobs, is there whenever our students are ready. You can also find links on the CAPD PhD page.
Starting in January, we will begin recruiting for those interested in our full-time Associate role who graduate between December 2024 – Summer 2025. Advanced Professional Degree (APD) candidates are postdocs or working toward the following degrees: PhD, MD (including medical interns, residents and fellows), JD, PharmD, Nursing, and non-MBA Masters. Non-MBA Master candidates must have at least four years in between the completion of their undergraduate degree and graduate degree to be qualified as having an APD.
Over 80% of our consultants have advanced degrees in fields outside of business, and as our firm continues to grow and evolve, we are looking for more people like you – experts in their fields – to join our community. We hope you will consider starting your journey with us, so you can be at your best at McKinsey!
Make sure to bookmark our website ahead of the new year.
As always, feel free to reach out to our APD_Recruiting_Team [at] (APD recruiting team) with questions!
What’s on the horizon…
We will be hosting virtual sessions each month. These sessions will help you learn about the world of consulting, how your degree will be valuable, what life is like at McKinsey, and how we help our clients solve the most complex problems.
We can’t forget to mention Insight & Diversity Connect! Planning is underway for these two flagship programs. Find information on our website.
Connecting on campus Our recruiting team or consultants may be visiting a campus near you. Whether virtually or in-person, we are excited to learn more about YOU and what makes you interested in McKinsey!
Fill out our Connect with APD form!
This will give you access to all things APD recruiting in the coming months.
Make sure you’re on our list.
The MIT Alumni Advisors Hub is an online platform that students can use to ask for advice when they need it—from MIT alumni around the world. Students can get advice on their job and internship search, conduct a mock interview or informational interview, explore career paths and future entrepreneurial pursuits, and navigating life at MIT.
Sign up to gain access to a community of alumni who are eager to share their advice at
Find an advisor today!
MIT has a diverse range of career fairs, only a few of which are run by Career Advising & Professional Development. Others are managed by student organizations or academic departments. MIT students are also welcome at some fairs hosted by companies, professional organizations, and other universities.
To get the most of your career fair experience, see our Tips for Career Fair Success. You can also view the CAPD events calendar for career fair workshops.
Find out more about career fairs at MIT.
For those who are looking for other resources, recordings of career related workshops and sessions for grad students available here:
The CAPD Event calendar can be found here.
Sign up for the Graduate Student Career Advising mailing list here.
MIT Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD) is pleased to announce MIT’s subscription to The Versatile PhD, a web-based resource for PhDs considering careers beyond academia. Our subscription, generously supported by OGE, can be accessed by students and alumni via CAPD’s webpage and student CareerBridge accounts. Once students register, they can simply log in to the site directly (
TWiHST is published every Friday* during the academic year and bi-weekly during the summer.
(* - TWiHST is not published on designated/recognized Institute Holidays and Special Holidays when MIT is officially closed)
Anyone may submit Items for inclusion in the newsletter.
The deadline for submitting announcements for inclusion in each edition is Thursday at 2pm, immediately prior to a Friday publication date.
Items received later than this time will be held for publication in the following weekly or bi-weekly edition.
To submit an announcement: twihsteditors [at] (twihsteditors[at]mit[dot]edu)
To view the current issue:
If you would like to receive TWiHST, please contact twihsteditors [at] (twihsteditors[at]mit[dot]edu) to be added to our email list.twihsteditors [at] ( )