Graphic by Blake Oberfeld
A team of students from Harvard Medical School, including a number of HST MD and MD-PhD students, responded quickly to organize grassroots efforts against the Covid-19 pandemic. They identified two main opportunities for impact: activism and education. Their activism effort involves coordinating opportunities for students to provide on-the-ground help in both the community and clinical settings. Education efforts have resulted in a public-facing social media campaign (see @FutureMDvsCOVID) and in the rapid development of a free curriculum for anyone in the biomedical community interested in learning about Covid-19.
The curriculum is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13JfRRw1GEIKz4JCde8WcQBCHnu-7nn11P_z0dHov1eA/preview.
For inquiries about the HMS Covid-19 Student Response Team’s efforts, please contact: hmscovid19studentresponse [at] gmail.com (hmscovid19studentresponse[at]gmail[dot]com).